

    GFA 소개

    Gospel for Asia is tansforming communities
    in this life and for eternity

GFA World(GFA)에 대하여
GFA는 어떤 단체인가요?
  • GFA는 하나님의 말씀과 긍휼을 통해 삶과 공동체가 변화되는 것을 보기 위해 진심으로 헌신하는 잘 세워진 국제 선교 단체입니다. 우리는 주님의 사랑을 통해 아시아의 삶과 공동체를 변화시키려는 주님의 소망을 성취하는 교회의 다리이자 종입니다. 우리는 예수 그리스도의 이름을 영화롭게 하고 그 이름을 절실히 들어야 하는 사람들에게 그분의 은혜와 사랑을 선포하는 데 헌신하고 있습니다.
  • 이 사역은 하나님의 분명한 부르심과 우리 구주 없이 죽어가는 사람들이 그분이 거저 주시는 은혜와 자비의 선물을 알게 되는 것을 보고자 하는 진정한 열정으로 시작되었습니다. 30년이 지난 지금도 우리의 마음은 변함이 없습니다.
  • 첫날부터 우리는 이 사역을 하나님의 손에 맡겼습니다. 이는 하나님께서 그 뜻대로 이 사역을 인도하셔서 그리스도께서 열방 가운데서 영광을 받으시게 하려는 것입니다. 다양한 교파와 각계각층의 하나님의 백성들이 이 하나의 목적, 즉 그리스도의 사랑으로 큰 도움이 필요한 사람들을 섬기기 위해 함께 모이는 것을 보는 것은 축복입니다.
GFA의 사명은 무엇인가요?
  • 우리의 사명은 헌신적으로 그리스도를 따르는 자가 되어 그분을 기쁘시게 하는 삶을 사는 것입니다. 하나님께서는 우리에게 아시아 사람들을 위한 특별한 사랑을 주셨으며, 교육, 건강, 실제적인 은사와 같은 사역을 통해, 또는 평화로운 마음의 영적 변화, 관계 회복, 삶의 개선을 통해 그들을 섬기고 돕는 것이 우리의 소망입니다. 우리는 이 모든 일을 공동체 안에서 그리고 열방의 그리스도의 몸과 협력하여 행합니다.
GFA가 추구하는 가장 중요한 가치는 무엇인가요?
  • 우리가 사역으로서 하는 모든 일이 주님과의 관계와 우리 안에서 그분이 하시는 일에서 흘러나오기를 간절히 소망합니다. 우리는 이 사역을 통해 하나님께서 우리 삶에 부여하신 부르심의 길을 계속 따라가는 데 도움이 되는 10가지 핵심 가치를 확립했습니다. 처음 다섯 가지는 우리의 내면 생활과 관련이 있습니다. 마지막 다섯 가지는 우리 삶이 다른 사람들에게 영향을 끼치는 것과 관련이 있습니다. 이러한 핵심 가치는 다음과 같습니다.
    1. 주 예수님을 더 완전하고 친밀하게 알아가는 것
    2. 성실함과 탁월함을 겸비한 사람이 되는 것
    3. 하나님의 말씀에 순종하는 삶을 사는 것
    4. 믿음의 사람이 되는 것
    5. 기도와 예배에 헌신하는 사람이 되는 것
    6. 섬기는 삶의 방식을 살아갈 것
    7. 섬기는 삶의 방식을 살아갈 것
    8. 희생이 담긴 섬김을 하는 것
    9. 영혼을 향한 열정을 지닌 사람이 되는 것
    10. 그리스도의 지체과 함께 일하는 사람들이 되는 것
  • 우리는 하나님께서 우리에게 은혜를 주시는 대로 이러한 가치에 따라 살기 위해 노력합니다. 그렇게 함으로써 우리는 그리스도의 삶을 비추고 그분의 이름을 들어본 적도 없이 죽어가는 세대에게 그분을 알리게 될 것이라고 믿습니다.
  • “저를 GFA로 인도하신 하나님을 찬양합니다. 잃어버린 영혼들에게 다가가는 사역을 돕는 일이 제 사람의 일부분이 되었을 뿐만 아니라, 하나님께서는 이곳에 온 이후로 저에게 많은 것을 가르쳐 주셨습니다. 제가 배운 것 중 가장 큰 것은 바로 은혜입니다. 은혜는 지도자들과 다른 직원들을 통해 계속해서 저에게 나타났습니다. 제가 지도자들과 어려움을 나눌 때 그들은 항상 저에게 많은 은혜를 주셨고 제가 겪고 있는 문제를 해결하도록 도와주셨습니다. 그들 없이는 저는 해날 수 없었을 것입니다.”

    — 브렌다(Brenda), GFA의 직원
GFA의 신앙고백은 무엇입니까?
사역은 어떻게 구성되어 있나요?
  • 사역은 믿음이 깊은 선임 지도자들이 GFA World의 사명과 비전을 바탕으로 리더십을 발휘하고 사역의 방향을 정하여 이끕니다. 이 지도자들은 중요한 결정을 내려야 할 때 기도와 금식을 통해 하나님의 인도하심을 구합니다.
  • 또한 우리가 사역하는 국가의 법률에 따라 법적 요구 사항과 책임이 유지되는지 확인하기 위해 조직의 책임을 감독하는 이사회인 관리 이사회도 있습니다.
Life in the GFA Community
What is it like to serve the Lord at GFA?
  • Serving at GFA is not like working for a business. Staff members are considered family—not employees. We serve together and seek to maintain fellowship with one another through the bonds of peace and unity with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  • We are a community of Christ, sustained—as individuals, families and groups—through personal prayer, common worship and everyday work for the glory of God and the extension of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm 133:1).
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life and ministry, as explained in his book Life Together, had significant influence on our movement in this regard.
  • There’s a strong emphasis on grace, love, thankfulness, prayer and seeking the Lord. Certain times of the day are set apart to pray for one another, for the ministry and for our brothers and sisters serving on the mission field. We commit all our work to Him in prayer, knowing the work is done in dependence upon Christ. Oftentimes, you will find people praying together in the hallways or in designated prayer areas.
  • We encourage our staff family to strengthen and build each other up by serving one another. People are happy to help and even look for ways to bless others. When one of the staff falls ill or has a personal emergency, others in the staff family gladly help them with practical needs like providing meals, childcare, travel help, etc.
  • When we fail, which all of us do, we try to be quick to repent, ask forgiveness and walk in the light and love of Jesus Christ, so fellowship and unity is maintained.
  • Our leader, K.P. Yohannan, often encourages us to extend grace to one another. He says,
  • “If we must make a mistake, let us make it on the side of grace and not legalism.”
  • “The integrity and love is immeasurable. One example: Our little boy had to visit the ER, and once GFA leadership heard where we were at, they came to the ER to see if we needed anything and to pray for us.”
  • —Tony and Kelly
  • “I am privileged and grateful to have been part of Gospel for Asia for more than 12 years: growing up here for 11 years and being part of the School of Discipleship for almost two. This same spirit of knowing the Lord and making Him known brings together not just the staff and students in the U.S. office, but also the international offices.”
  • — Ellie
What is a typical week like at GFA?
  • A typical work week at GFA consists of morning prayer meetings and a Tuesday evening prayer meeting. There is also an extended night of prayer on the first Friday of the month. Staff serve in the office from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays and from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
  • Evenings and weekends are free unless special needs arise for service or prayer.
What does it mean to serve the Lord together as a family at GFA?
  • When God calls a family to join staff, He calls them to invest their lives so people in Asia can hear about Christ and His great love. Just like a missionary family going to a foreign nation, their calling isn't just one part of their life, but it is the main focus of their life.
  • Serving the Lord as a family is a joint effort, with each member sharing the same vision and encouraging one another to stay the course.
What are the requirements for serving with GFA?
  • When a person or family joins staff they commit to developing their own financial support team—just like staff of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), Wycliffe, YWAM (Youth with a Mission), Global Frontier Missions, Operation Mobilization and other mission organizations—in order to provide for their financial needs, including medical insurance. They commit to living in a manner consistent with Biblical values and maintaining a daily personal devotional life of Bible reading, worship and prayer. They commit to preserving and promoting unity of the Spirit through the bonds of peace (Ephesians 4:3). They commit to participating in GFA prayer meetings and gatherings. They commit to at least two years of serving with the ministry to be the needed support for our brothers and sisters in Asia. There is no legal binding, however, for anyone to stay the full two years; they are free to leave as they choose.
  • Watch K.P. Yohannan talk about the significance of joining staff.
What resources help staff members serve the Lord with GFA?
  • When a person joins staff, they are given a list of books to read about discipleship, grace, spiritual warfare, evangelism and other topics for their spiritual development and for understanding ministry.
  • K.P. Yohannan’s books, such as Revolution in World Missions, Road to Reality, Living in the Light of Eternity and Touching Godliness, are among those they read for development, along with the following partial list of other books staff are encouraged to read :
    1. True Discipleship by William McDonald
    2. Lord, Break Me by William McDonald
    3. Calvary Road by Roy Hession
    4. Crazy Love by Francis Chan
    5. The Jesus Style by Gayle Erwin
    6. Victory Through Surrender by E. Stanley Jones
    7. Grace Awakening by Chuck Swindoll
    8. Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
    9. Let the Nations be Glad by John Piper
    10. Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
    11. Incredible Christian by A.W. Tozer
    12. Operation World by Patrick Johnstone
    13. Chocolate Soldier by C.T. Studd
  • GFA staff is also encouraged to listen to teachings from people who are steadfast in their walk with Christ, preach sound Biblical doctrine, have a heart for discipleship and have a desire to see people everywhere come to know the love of Jesus.
  • Some of these include :
    1. Francis Chan, author of Crazy Love: his teachings on the Holy Spirit, discipleship and evangelism
    2. David Platt, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board: his teachings on discipleship and radical living
    3. Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement: “Through the Bible” series
    4. Ray Comfort, founder of Living Waters Publications: “Way of the Master” video series co-hosted by Kirk Cameron
    5. Skip Heitzig, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque: “The Bible from 30,000 Feet” series
    6. Chuck Swindoll, founder of Insight for Living: his teachings on grace
    7. Erwin Lutzer, Senior pastor of Moody Church: his teachings on godliness and living according to God’s Word
  • You can download K.P. Yohannan’s books for free.
  • “There have been many things here at GFA that have encouraged me and helped me in my walk with the Lord. I think if I were to name one thing, it would be following the example of my leaders. I follow them as they follow Christ. All of them have helped me to see God and know Him and His heart. They love me as Christ does.”
  • — Ashley, GFA staff
Where do GFA staff members attend church?
  • GFA staff members are free to attend any church the Lord leads them to. There are several good churches in the local area. We encourage our staff to attend where Christ is exalted and Scripture is taught.
What is Gospel for Asia’s School of Discipleship (SD)?
  • Gospel for Asia's School of Discipleship is a one- to two-year program where young men and women can deepen their walks with Christ, develop a heart of compassion for those needing Christ, while at the same time enabling hundreds of missionaries to serve on the field and share Christ.
  • It is our heart that through this program, the Lord will raise up young people in this generation who are godly, who are actively engaged in reaching their generation for Christ, who fulfill their God-given purpose, and who live their lives in view of the day that they will stand before the Lord.
  • While these young people take part in GFA's School of Discipleship program, they also serve in our headquarters office on behalf of those who have yet to hear the name of Jesus.. After completing School of Discipleship, many go on to serve the Lord in a vocation or other ministries.
  • Learn more about GFA's Discipleship Program.
  • "I've had the privilege to be part of Gospel for Asia School of Discipleship and staff for almost eight years. This has been a wonderful experience. I find it so exciting to invest my life in [helping people in Asia] while living and serving in such an amazing community."
  • — Matthew
Where is GFA currently located?
  • Our headquarters is located about half an hour east from Dallas County, in a small town called Wills Point.
  • By the grace of God, within six months, we have become not only part of the local community, but more than 100 different churches and pastors have embraced us. Our staff attends many of the local churches that represent more than a dozen evangelical denominations.
  • In our new location, we’ll be able to add more staff, which will result in more work being done on the field. We’ll also have more space and better facilities to disciple up to 200 young men and women through our School of Discipleship program.
  • When we are at full capacity, we estimate we’ll be able to save about $4 million per year in overhead expenses compared to what we would have spent if we had stayed in Carrollton, Texas. That will allow us to send more funds to the field than we could have otherwise.
  • The money that’s been spent in building the campus has been given to us by generous donors and friends of the ministry who specifically asked that we use their gifts for this purpose. We are very thankful for the Lord’s provision through them.
  • Learn more about GFA’s move to its new location.